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Whistleblower protection in sports – current developments

Corruption is complex and often difficult to prove. However, the identification of corrupt acts is revealed less passively by audits and much more actively by whistleblowers who reveal internal knowledge and thus expose themselves to the risk of being disadvantaged because of their actions. Establishing safeguards against disadvantage would significantly increase the willingness of potential whistleblowers to disclose their knowledge. Efficient corruption prevention in organizations and companies, including in the sports sector, therefore requires the protection of the individuals who uncover corruption through their tips and thus enable the prosecution of acts of corruption. In her presentation, criminal defense lawyer Katharina Dierlamm will provide insight into the current legal situation as well as current changes and related implications for sports.
March 21 @ 15:40
15:40 — 16:15 (35′)

Dierlamm, Katharina